Don't Need Roads - The Debut Album

Now that I've got around to digging out some old material, and recording some new, my debut album - 'Don't Need Roads' has finally been released.
After twenty-five years of playing and writing the occasional song, the back catalogue has slowly but surely built-up and I thought that it was time to commit some of those tracks to an album. In 'Don't Need Roads', you can hear some of my very earliest songs such as 'Dust' and 'Michaelangelo', alongside songs that were penned at a later stage - 'Clouds' or 'Running After The Dream', as well as songs that were written and recorded in the days leading up to the finalising of the album - 'Turnstiles' and 'Future Without You', for example.
You can hear previews by clicking the links to the right of this page, or listen to full versions of selected tracks ('Turnstiles', 'Future Without You' and 'Sundays') by clicking the YouTube video links below. You can also buy the physical CD or MP3's by clicking on the links below.